Sunday, February 5, 2012

Simple Things

I took a drive down to the local grocery/bulk store to pick up a few of the essentials to add to my pantry. Canned beans (because some days I am just lazy and don’t feel like cleaning beans, lol), extra broth, flour, sugar, rice, apples and oranges.

 I have been trying to perfect my pinto bean recipe for some time now.  My husband, Bulldog Man loves pinto beans.  He pretty much grew up eating them as a staple.  I really didn’t know anything about pinto beans from growing up.  I was raised eating green, black or kidney beans.  So Bulldog Man had to, I guess you could say, train me on how to make pinto beans that he could stomach, lol.  I have perfected a recipe that seems to satisfy Bulldog Man.  Who knows, maybe it will satisfy your taste too.  
My Pinto Bean Recipe
(Serves 4)
*4 cans pinto beans (rinse the beans in a colander)
2 ham hocks (if ham hocks are real smoky, use only 1)
½ onion (or onion to taste)
1 can green chilies (Hatch is the best)
½ cup salsa (homemade or store bought)
1 teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon garlic salt
½ teaspoon pepper
14 ounces of chicken broth

Place all ingredients in a large pot.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium low and cook for 45 minutes.  Take out ham hocks and trim off the meat.  Place meat back in large pot and trash ham hock bones. Serve as a meal or side dish.
*Substitute can beans for 1 pound of dry pinto beans, add water as you need when cooking.

We had a wonderful surprise today, our son, Dakota found his class ring.  He found it in the dryer (actually it was in his pants pocket and it fell out in my dryer).  Now I don’t have to strangle him! J


  1. The beans look really good. Just need to bake up some corn bread and I'm there :)

    Nice to see the class ring was found.

    1. The beans were good and yes we had cornbread. Were happy the ring was found too :-)

  2. LOL, I was just getting ready to comment on your original post where you said he lost it to check his pants! My son would routinely misplace his ring, and would put it in his jeans. His ring is very dear to him, even now 5 years later ;-)

    1. Amy E, Thanks, I even asked my son to check his pants (all of them in the dirty clothes). He said he did and nothing was in his pockets (I think he didn't check, he was busy doing other things). He was happy he found his ring, the expression on his face changed dramatically. I think the class ring represents hard work and achievement to our young adults (aka: children).
