Monday, August 25, 2014

This is NOT a Goodbye.........A tribute to my friend, SciFiChick

Bacon and Eggs ..................I said to myself back in the year 2012, what an interesting name to call a blog.   

Of course the name intrigued me……..and it wasn’t because it was food name… was because the blog was created by a lovely woman with a big heart who knew “Life was a Precious Gift”……….her name, SCIFICHICK.  

SCI’s gift was helping others learn to stand on their feet, and become self reliant.  Her blog posts always encompassed informative information and she was never afraid to express her opinion.  If you had a question about gardens, seeds, rabbits, chickens, canning, self reliance, ways of being frugal, or politics; SCI, without hesitation, would drop what she was doing to answer your question.  I consider SCI the Matriarch of the Blogger world.  

I had the pleasure of personally getting to know SCI and her husband, Mars. We would talk through Blogger, G-mail, and the telephone. Little did I know that one day, I would be able to meet a true Blogger friend in person.  SCI invited me and my husband to her place for a BBQ.  Not only was I going to meet SCI and Mars in person, I was going to meet Phelan and her husband from A Homesteading-Neophyte blog.  We all were getting together before Phelan and her family relocated to Kentucky.  This visit was amazing……….Bulldog Man (my husband) and I were blown away by friends who we only had talked to by computer/phone in the past, and had never met in person until the day of the BBQ.

The day of the BBQ, SCI gave us a tour of her property.  The garden she talks about on her blog was just jaw droppingly gorgeous in person.  We couldn’t get over how much work both SCI and Mars put into the garden and their property.  

The day we all spent together was incredible. Our friendship in itself was a precious gift, a bond unbroken.

As Bloggers, and friends, we are “IN THE WEEDS” right there with SCI.  To understand why we’re “In the Weeds” with SCI, go to her blog and read her last post. 

My Friend, Goodbyes are not forever or the end, it simply means we all will miss you SCIFICHICK, until we meet again!

Love you,
Sandy and Bulldog Man


  1. OMG I just saw this on Facebook! What happened!!! This is soo very sad :'( How blessed you are to have met her in real life ♥

    1. Kelly,

      We all were blessed to have her in our lives and as a dear friend.

  2. Sweet, Sweet Sandy - i just did a tribute post to her, too, and both of our posts are so similar!!! and we will meet her again. thank you for such a great tribute to our wonderful friend - she will love this!

    much love to you and yours, always, Sweet Sandy! (even though i am still jealous that you got to meet Sci and Phelan - bahahahahah!)

    your friend,

    1. Sweet Kymber,

      My heart aches........
      SCI will love this tribute, and she would be saying.... stop stressing we all will see each other get out there and work that garden!!!

      Sending love and hugs to you and yours.
      Your friend,

    2. don't forget - while you and i would be chatting away non-stop, she'd be yelling - hey you gurls - pull those weeds! bahahahahah!

  3. You are so right about her taking time to answer questions. Me the newbie blogger & food preserver had many & she patiently answered them all. Will miss her. Hope Mars is ok.

    1. DFW,

      She sure did patiently answer questions. I hope Mars is okay too. I will call him in a couple of days.

  4. I am just learning of this...and am speechless. Sadness and heartache beyond words.

    1. JUGM,

      I just learned it myself from our dear friend Sweet Kymber. I'm just shocked.

  5. I was saddened to hear the news last night. She will be missed.

  6. I am so glad you got the chance to meet. We had some chats over the phone and the internet and she was just the kindest, most thoughtful lady, eager to teach and support others. She will be missed.

    1. Brigid,

      I'm so happy to have met SCI and Phelan. They both are dear friends and one day I will meet Kymber too.
      One day we all will see her again.

    2. you sure are gonna get yer white butt up here and go skinny-dipping and naked suntanning with me and jam. jam says thanks for the hug and thanks for talking me out of my livid-ness on all of the people trying to somehow "leech" Sci's passing. i love you.

  7. I was sorry to hear this news. I liked her blog, and on the few occasions when I "talked" to her on the net she was always very kind.

    1. Harry,

      Sci had a heart of gold and loved helping others.

  8. We never know were blessed to know her.

    1. Gail,

      So true Gail, yes.....I was blessed to have been touched by SCI.

  9. She was a spitfire, that's for sure. I will miss her terribly.

    1. Phelan,

      I would always call her Pistol Annie because she was such a spitfire.
      We all will miss her dearly.

  10. I only had the pleasure of chatting with her (via email) a few times but she was always so kind and very eager to share her knowledge. Another loss in the blogging world that will be felt my many people. Great sweet tribute!

    1. 1st Man,
      She will be missed. We all loved her knowledge and sense of humor.

  11. Sandy,

    What a beautiful tribute ! You are absolutely right ! It is not goodbye, but it is "until we see each other again". Her life and legacy is a blessing.
    Love to you and yours,

    1. Jane,

      Her life and legacy was a true blessing.
      One day, we all will see her again.
      Love to you and yours :-)

  12. I just found out this morning while blog hopping through my list of "Tadpoles" [my friends] and I am just devastated for Mars and the family.

    You are so very correct that she was always there to answer any question, about anything. The thing I love best about SciFi is that we were polar opposites when it came to politics, but she could always calmly, intelligently and astutely explain her views, listen to mine and respect them.

    Not to mention her encyclopedic knowledge of all things sustainable. I learned how to garden [better], can and dehydrate from her. She inspired me to buy a dehydrator and I named it Chick. I was headed over to her blog today to tell her about our newest adventure, thanks to her, in dehydrating when I found out from Grim [Grim Wytche Farm] that SciFi had passed.

    What a blessing she is to all of us. My prayers and love go out to all her family and friends.

    She will be so terribly missed.

    1. I apologize - Hi, my name is Janine [I Make Soap] and I didn't mean to crash your blog, I found you on SFC's and read your beautiful tribute and thought I would add. I hope you understand.

    2. SkippyMom,

      No apologies needed. I'm happy to read and post your comment regarding our dear friend SCI.

      She's was a blessing to everyone she talked to, and touched.

  13. I just read a few of her posts. How tragic of her passing. I'm going to bookmark her blog, she really gave such good gardening/canning/dehydrating advice. How great that you got to meet her.

  14. Mrs. Mac,

    You should book mark SciFiChicks blog it's very informative. She has a lot of great information. Yes, I'm very glad I met her and her husband.

  15. I am just today learning of this...I am shocked and devatated...Wow! You just never know...While I never met her personally I loved her blog and it was one I would read everytime I was on...So sad, so very sad...she will be very missed!!

    1. HL,

      I am too sweetie! It's true you just don't know when you will be leaving family and friends. Sci has a great blog....
