I’m going to start my post out by saying Happy
Anniversary to my hero, my husband Bulldog Man.
As each year goes by, I love you more.
Consider today’s post a certificate for one home-cooked meal of your
choice!!!! And after eating this meal, I’ll
let you do dishes (a gift from you to me)…………Bahahahahaha!!!!!
Friday, I did the usual; paid bills, hit Crest
grocery store for some spices I didn’t have, and didn’t grow in my garden, and
picked up what groceries we needed.
After getting home, unloading, and putting away the groceries, Bulldog Man
called me, and suggested we go out to the military base to meet up with some of
his good friends he hadn’t seen in over 7 years. Over the past several years, Bulldog Man
always talked to me about his friends, Lorri and Steve, in a positive way. I’ve
always wanted the opportunity to meet his friends. This was the perfect time to finally meet
them. I just wished my sweet husband, Bulldog
Man would have called me earlier in the morning, before I went grocery
shopping. I would prefer grocery shopping
at the commissary instead of Crest.
Saturday, amazingly enough, we actually slept until
9:30AM, (this is highly unusual) but I’m glad we got caught up on our
sleep. We both jumped into the shower,
and got ready to head to Tinker AFB to meet up with Lorri and Steve. They mentioned to my husband when he talked
with them to look for a motor home parked in the parking lot of the BX.
To our surprise, we arrived……. found the motor home,
trailer, car, motorcycle, bird cages (their birds travel with them), and all
kinds of spinners.
Lorri and Steve, Bulldog’s military friends, retired
from the military, left a civil service job, sold their home, auctioned off all
of their belongs, and decided to live life to its fullest, and travel the
United States. When they stop at
military bases for the night, if they feel like it, they setup their spinners
for others to enjoy and buy. They do
this for fun; don’t need the money to support themselves. Any money received is used to put gas in their
motor home. This just sounds like so
much fun, one day I would love to be able to do something like this. For now, Bulldog Man and I are destined to
find acreage and setup our homestead.
Before saying goodbye to Lorri and Steve, Bulldog
Man and I purchased a pig spinner and windsock with a 32 foot windsock pole (Bulldog
Man has alternative reasons for purchasing the large windsock pull, he will
outline this in one of my future posts).
Lorri and Steve are headed towards San Antonio. If you happen to be on base, tell them we
said “Hey”!
This pig is adorable, I placed him in my garden. |
Lorri and Steve's setup. Our rainbow wind sock on the front of the RV. |
Before the rain came on Sunday evening, Bulldog Man
and I went out to the garden to harvest some green beans. We were able to bring in enough green beans
to add as a side dish to a meal. The
peas in the garden have grown and even produce beautiful flowers. I’m still waiting on peas to harvest. Hopefully, it will be soon, before we get our
first freeze.
It’s been raining a gentle, continuous rain, which
should continue through Tuesday. Once
the grass dries, I get to sneak out the tractor and cut grass (hubby will be at
work, and he can’t hog the machine).
I hope everyone has a blessed Monday!!!