Monday, May 13, 2013

Weather - Garden Sprouting - Dog - Security Light

A beautiful day today, temperatures peaked at 88 degrees.  My broccoli, kale, golden beets, lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, collards, and wild strawberries are all sprouting (several pictures below). Several sprouts were too small to take a picture. When they’re larger, I’ll take pictures and post them to the blog.  Now my concern; temperatures are rising, will I have a successful garden with the increase in the temperatures?  How is your garden handling the change of the weather?

Broccoli, waiting for more growth before weeding out the week sprouts

Blueberry plant growing this year.
My Chandler strawberries are a hit, when the family passes by and they see a ripe strawberry there’s no hope it will be there for harvest.  Here’s what was left on the vines for harvest after a few family members targeted the vines for a snack.
What is left.

Bug loves going inside the gated garden area just to be next to Mom while working in the garden. 

Bug In My Garden Areas

Bulldog Man installed a light on the end of the house over by our trucks.  The house we’re renting doesn’t have power running outside, so we selected a solar powered motion sensor light to install for extra security.



  1. When I first glanced at the title of this post I got "sprouting-dog." A sprouting dog???? LOLOL on me!

  2. dear sweet Sandy - i love all of the pics of the little seedlings, little bug and the gorgeous daisy. i love posts with pics and with updates on how everyone's garden is doing so please keep us updated regularly!

    your friend,

    1. Sweet Kymber,

      It's so great to have you back posting on your blog. The little seedlings are popping and soon I will be thinning them out. I'll keep the updates going.

  3. Bug is too cute. Love how he is always around.

  4. DFW,

    Both dogs love to follow me every where. Bug seems to love the garden, she tries to dig and find earth worms. This little thing loves to roll around the top of worms. She's so silly.

  5. Haven't hit any heat yet out this way although my broccoli and other kale crops I started indoors back in February so they won't bolt when the heat does hit. Still I would say I usually only have about a 30% success rate with the kale type plants producing before the heat does em in each year.

    I LOVE those solar motion lights. I bought a Westinghouse one a few years ago that never did work but then I found one that looks just like yours at harbor freight and I LOVE IT.

    I think I am going to replace the electric ones on the barn with one of two of those this Summer.

    1. PP,

      This is the first time I've planted kale and broccoli, I hope I have some success with them before they bolt.

      We bought out solar light at Harbor Freight, I love the idea of no electric usage with these lights.
      Our plan is to get more and use the store coupon to help discount the price.

  6. I LOVE bug! And teeny-tiny seedlings. And the fact that I also giggled when I saw that I wasn't the only one who thought the dog was sprouting in the garden!

    1. Carolyn,

      Bug is a sweet little one, we rescued her. She still has problems with loud noise and fast movements but she's coming around. Maybe I should change the title of the post? I've never seen a sprouting dog, lol

  7. Love the pictures! Bug is adorable!! Call me whenver you want and I fill ya in on the diet or shoot me an email letting me know a good time to call you...either way...looking forward to chatting with ya!...I am off to feed the critters *sigh*

    1. HL,

      Thank you, Bug is a sweetie. I'll send you an e-mail.

  8. Love solar motion lights. We live in a neighborhood without streetlights and neighbors who never turn on their lights. Our house is like a beacon in the night... seriously one could land airplane in our backyard:)

    1. A Girl,

      I love them too. One should have their house lit up, this deters criminals.

  9. Sandy
    It's so great to see a garden that's planted and growing!
    Good idea with the security light, a friend just had stuff stolen right out of their truck last night that was parkrd in their drive!

    1. Kimberly,

      Security lights are good to have, sometimes they deter the criminal element.

  10. Isn't it exciting to see the sprouts? I too am hoping we don't have to fight the heat this summer. So far we have had just the right amount of rain and thankfully NO humidity...yet.

    1. Yes, it's exciting to see sprouts popping up every where. Oh, we have hair is proof, lol....... it's frizzy and all over the place.

  11. Unlike my previous home, this one has no electricity on the outside and half the house is pitch black at night with floor to ceiling windows. Could you send me information regarding where you bought that solar light? Please?

    1. Lotta Joy,

      We have the same problem with no power outside this older house, this is why we decided to go with this light. Below I have attached the site of the store we shopped at, I hope this helps. I will also e-mail you.

  12. I love your header, Sandy!! And Bug is a cutie!! I love him!! i would like to get one of those Solar lights, that is pretty neat. Maybe a motion sensing light outside my chicken coop to keep predators away. I lost a few hens recently. Your garden looks great!! I have planted.. nothing. So sad, but we just barely got over the snow.

    1. Susie,

      Thank you, I like the header too. Bug, she's a cutie and loves to get all dirty and roll around in the dirt outside. This solar light has a sensor on it and it works really good. It's not too expensive either.

  13. I was wondering about the sprouting dog!

    My friend had security lights and showed me how he could creep along and the lights would not catch the very slow motion. I hope yours will catch someone moving stealthily.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I guess your house is very secure, what with the dog and security lights around. I know your dog is not intended for that purpose, but every little thing helps. And an extra-vigilant dog in the house at night might spell the difference between a successful break-in or scaring them away. But of course, I hope there would never come a time that you’ll be needing them for that matter. Stay safe!

    Kerry Lewis @ Westminster Security
